Meet Huba the 8-year-old Pumi Hungarian Shepard. He and the Kertész family come all the way from Hungary. From once a street dog in the Hungarian countryside, Huba now lives with his loving family on the tropical island of Phuket.
What is Huba like?

Underneath all the scruff, Huba is very sweet, calm, and patient. He is described as the perfect family dog and is always looking to safeguard his younger siblings. In his spare time, he loves to spend time barking at other dogs from the balcony as well as learning new tricks.

Despite disliking being on a leash, his mommy claims that when hot dogs are involved, Huba instantly becomes a grade A student at agility and obedience training. His favorite tricks include; sitting, giving handshakes, and standing on two feet. Good job Huba!
Don’t forget to say hi or share your hot dogs with Huba when you meet him around the HOMA community gardens.